About Me

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I am a single mother of one, ten year old, special needs boy. Some days are good, Some days we struggle. But by keeping Faith, we will continue to move forward...ABOUT MY SON: Bradley has a brain atrophy(a part of his brain is stunted & will never grow)(this is what the drs have said),which effects his speech,coordination & balance, & his behavior. He also has been diagnosed with ADHD,Pervasive Developmental Disorder(a slight form of Autism),Obsessive Compulsive,& Obsessive Defiance Disorder.All of which most likely are caused by the brain injury.He is at a 1st & 2nd grade level in most of his activivities at school. He is very loving & likes giving hugs most of the time,but other times can be very ugly & mean.He has to have alot of assistance in day to day activities & will probably be in an assisted living program,(this is also what the drs & his Teachers have said) after I am gone. As I Stated before, by keeping faith, we will continue to move forward.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


                      Hope deferred makes the heart sick,but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
                                                                 ~ Proverbs 13:12

      We all understand, perhaps all to well, the meaning of the words "winter doldrums". We make it through December just fine, no matter what the weather might be, because we are excited about preparing for Christmas and New Year's celebrations.
      But then January and February bring all the snow, ice, subzero temperatures, and the post-holiday blues. Cabin fever sets in, the Christmas bills flood in, the tempers flare, and each day seems like a repeat of the day before. In the areas of the world where the sun shines warmly all year, the winter doldrum may take on a bit different twist -- too many tourists causing stores to be crowded, crowded streets, and crowded restaurants.

      If you are suffering from this seasonal malady, make a decision to break out of your doldrums. You might bundle up against the cold and take a walk in search of signs of hope and you might just find them.

      Red berries, purple briars, and golden grasses would seem insignificant in the spring, but in February they are the promise of more brilliant colors to come. Seek out well-loved verses from your bible and renew your commitment to God.

      The message of renewal may take on a snowball effect. You may realize a friend you have been praying for is being heeled slowly but surely. While when paying your bills, you may realize other ways the Lord is blessing you and your family.

      Before the doldrums get you down, regardless of the season, take time to look for the splashes of color and signs of renewal God continually sends into your life. They're there.... you just have to look for them!

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